Tuesday, November 29, 2011

God and Mission

I love mission but I love God more. Unconsciously sometimes we already love mission more than the One who gives us the mission. Let not our love for mission equate with our love for God. God should be our ultimate love. Going on mission without God is not a mission but a vacation.

The world has given us so many “mission”, humanitarian missions, peace missions, and more. And, talking about humanitarian missions, there are so many of such kind in the world. World leaders had been going on missions for many good reasons. But for us Christians, loving and going on mission as it is, is no mission at all, its just humanitarianism, devoid of God. It is goodness at the pretext of mission.  For it to be a mission, Christ has to be the center. It is not enough for us to share goodness to the world; the world must know the source of all goodness.

God and mission not mission and God!

by aats

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