Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Counting the Cost

Cardinal Chito Tagle of Manila said in one of his homily, “The lord has given you so much, why are you counting the cost? Give... Give... It is not enough that you work for the glory of God, work for the greater glory of God.”

Why are we counting the cost? Is life not enough? Life is blessing itself. I think the desire to have more things leads to undesirable things, because most of the time, the things that we are seeking eventually fades away and ultimately fails to satisfy.

There is a danger in looking at ourselves most of the time, because there is the tendency to always satiate ourselves that leads to more thirst and longing. The antidote is looking beyond self. It is by seeking and desiring what is good for others that eventually brings fulfillment in life. So as the good Cardinal said, “Give.” But give not just what is good but what is best for others for the greater glory of God.

by aats 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Only Love Perfects

You will appreciate life when you look back and think of all the highlights of your life. You don’t selectively look back, that is not the way forward. The way forward is when you look back and acknowledge all, be it good or bad. Then you will come into terms with yourself and accept the person God has molded so far. He is not done with you and yet you have a lot of things to do as well. You catch up on the learnings and do it better this time.

If you fail again, you stand and say, “I am not perfect but love is.” Perfection comes in the little things, when we master ourselves, then piece-by-piece these little things put together will form into a beautiful masterpiece, perfected by love. Only love perfects.

by aats 

Are You Going to Betray Me with a Kiss?

The Holy Week just passed and I had some reflections as I journey with it. In the gospel of Luke, on the part were the story of Jesus entered a decisive moment in time of the Passover, one passage struck me, “"Judas, would you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?" Luke 22:48

And so it begins with betrayal, continued with denial and rejection, He walked alone and risen triumphant affirming us once more that if you truly believe in what you do, you pursue it to the end and you will be victorious.

Yes it begins with betrayal but ends with the triumph of love. Love is triumphant in the end! It defeated betrayal with fidelity; denial and rejection with acceptance; and the lonely road with company of real friends.

by aats 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Our Posture On Courtship

Courtship requires openness. 

For the sisters, it means openness to be pursued. It cannot be openness but showing an uninterested face. We are not saying you will be lying to yourself but simply allowing the other to be, showing honor and respect.  Give him the openness of friendship. Even if you cannot really see yourself with him at the onset, at least honor his desire to love you and respect his intention to court you. Then after giving time and still you cannot see yourself with him, graciously say “no” to the love he is offering, with love, honor and respect.  I’m telling you, it will go a long way.

If the answer is yes, then continue the openness. Love is honest and it will not only save relationship, it makes it flourish.

For the brothers, be open to all possibilities while doing your best with pure and honest intention you have. Honor her desire to be pursued and respect her answer whatever it may be, then accept the outcome with love, honor and respect. Even if the answer is “no”, it will make a man out of you. I’m telling you, it will go a long way.

If the answer is yes, then be consistent and honor whatever promises you made. Never stop courting. The goal should be marriage.

Giving gifts in courtship is good but it cannot go far enough. Far better is pure, honest and honorable intention.

Intention is far important than gifts. Gifts come only after, as manifestations of it.

by aats