Sunday, November 27, 2011

BASIC Road to Happiness

From time immemorial human beings had always been looking for happiness. It seems to be more elusive than ever. The more we try to find it the more we become weary. Yes we find it in some place with some people but for a fleeting moment we are back again to what we call reality. If we are back to our reality does it mean happiness becomes unreal? Is happiness but a pause only of our normal life?

Happiness is of course real as it could be and certainly not just a pause in the regularity of our life. This “valley of tears” is no tears of sadness only; it is part and parcel of the life we live in, that of happiness in Christ.

There are some reasons why it seems so elusive. It is so elusive because we equate happiness with only what we can have, what we can do and what we like to get. The unholy trinity of me, myself and I, is taking hold. We have observed it and at some point experienced it ourselves; happiness is fleeting if we only desire it for ourselves.

I propose some ways were we could be happy. Have these following BASICs:

B - Bless and be a blessing. Bless instead of cursing others. Our tendency is to hold grudges when someone hurts us. It doesn’t do well to us, it stressed us and makes us sickly. Bless them instead and free them and most of all free yourself from hurts, then be a blessing. Don’t be a burden to others instead be of help. Offer yourself in service.
A - Affirm and be affirmed. Be lavish in giving praise. Always honor and say something good to others who have done well. Affirm them of the good things they are doing. A smile and a hug can change a lot. Be affirmed also of all the things that you are doing which are making a difference in the lives of others even if others don’t notice it.

S - Share and receive. Be generous in giving whatever you have. You don’t have to have many things to be happy. Don’t be greedy. Be a grateful receiver as well. Don’t be too prideful not to receive things. We all need something.

I - Inspire and be inspired. Inspire others, be sunshine to a gloomy day! The world needs inspiration for it to move with hope. Be inspired as well, look at all the good things the world has to offer.

C - Care and be cared. Don’t be cautious in caring. Care for others for there is so much poverty in the world and one of the worst poverty is the poverty of being uncared and unloved. Allow yourself to be cared for as well, it feels so good knowing someone cares.

We only need very basic things to be happy. Live your life, we may not know it the world is already opening up!

by aats

1 comment:

  1. thank you for reminding us we only need the BASIC things to be happy.. love and live.. live and love...
