Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Destiny of Glory

If we hope for what we do not see, we wait with endurance. –Romans 8:25

If we truly believe that there is a God and that He is not just a loving God but a God who has a great plans for us, and if we truly believe that His plans is not just for the present times but for eternity, then we will surely endure in our present circumstances. With a mindset of eternity, our daily life is but a step towards eternal glory. This life that we have now is a journey to a more perfect life in heaven.

Our destiny is not the cemetery our destiny is heaven! How hopeful can we be if we believe in it with our heart, and it will radically change how we live our lives. Life now has a purpose and meaning because everything that we will be doing is but a preparation of a life eternal.

We do not see it, but we can feel it and we know it deep in our heart, so suffering is nothing with the glory we are about to see. We are destined for glory not defeat. Our faith is a victorious faith not a defeated faith.

Grant us O Lord the grace of faith so that we will live our life with the eyes of eternity. Amen.

by aats