Friday, September 23, 2011

Rest in Peace Lola

Gonzala Saludo
+September 24, 2011

I was not expecting news such as these. Opening my Facebook and seeing some condolences, surprises me. And then, it became real, you are gone, you are now with the Lord. The last time I saw you was almost two years ago, though I was able to talk with you on Skype from time to time. They told me you were so peaceful, you were just like sleeping. And you passed away on a Saturday, a day of Mary, a glorious day. Thank you for a life well lived! Thank you for taking care and loving Lolo when he was still alive. You are an inspiration.

Rest in peace Lola, knowing you had made our family a better and hopeful home. A new generation is rising. A generation that will build on the legacy of you, Lolo and Lola Loring had built, a legacy of hope, faith and love. A legacy of a family, that will look at its past as something not just to be cherished, but also something that we can learn upon. We will build a more loving family of our own.

Rest in peace, because you have left behind a family that is more aware of its missteps, and more than ever mindful of not repeating back those kinds of things that causes hurts and pains. We are now able to look beyond our own weaknesses and failures and embrace each other in love. We are now able to walk knowing that family is more important than wealth, prestige or power. We are now able to love with humility and understanding. We will continue building upon that consciousness, so we will turn our mourning into dancing, our sorrow into joy.

Rest in peace, for you have left behind a legacy of unselfish teaching, a teacher who aspire nothing but the best of her students. You have left behind learners who became masters in their own filled of profession. You left behind an English department that truly teaches the best of the language can offer. You are strict, yes, if only to get the best out of someone!

Rest in peace, because you, together with Lolo, had left us, your grandchildren, a deep sense of education and love for learning. You are the ultimate example of excellence.

Rest in peace now Lola, for you have left behind us, together with Lolo the greatest legacy a person can give, our Catholic faith. A faith in a God that never fails and a faith that transcends generations! We will strive to live out our faith in our daily lives.

Rest now, the Lord has taken you, where soon we will all be. Until then, we the living, will strive on to live out all the learning’s we got from you. Until then, we will strive to learn from our mistakes, so we can have a better, loving and united family. Until then, we will build on all the good things you have done and the good examples you have shown, and we will pass this on to the next generation of Saludo’s.

Rest now, Lola, rest now Gonzala Saludo, in the bosom of our Mother Mary, to our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven. Amen.

Angelo Saludo

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Sometimes questions are more powerful than answers. -by aats

Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross: Finish Strong

The cross tells us that love can spell death, but in dying we live. It tells us that we can finish strong like Him. We can never give up, we can finish it to the end. THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS IS TO FINISH STRONG! -by aats

Living is Loving

Living is loving. Somebody ask me, even if you are not sure of tomorrow? Yes, even if tomorrow never comes, because today is reason enough to love. -by aats

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Thief, The Robber and the Shephered (John 10:1-2)

A Parable from a Parable

A man was listening to Jesus sharing about lifes' intentions. He said, "No matter how others may try to open your heart, if you lock it to the core, no one can open it. They will end up looking for other ways." What do you mean Lord, ask the man.  The Lord says, those who do not enter the gate but climbs over elsewhere is a thief and a robber. You don't want to be a thief nor a robber, don't you? "No, Lord." answered the man. "Very well then my child. Enter the gate as long as the owner allows you to. Not by force but only by grace.

Christ said further, "But whoever enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep.  Enter the gate then, not elsewhere, least you be accused of stealing or robbery. Strive to be the shepherd my child not the thief or the robber, to knock and serve not to steal and destroy.

What if the person won't open Lord? Ask the man. The Lord answered, "Greet the person with peace and if the person does not, then take the dust off from your feet and move on to another town. For blessed are those whose eyes that can see and ears that can hear." 

by aats

Finding Happiness

Many tried to find happiness but ended up not finding one. We look for it in bottles that intoxicates us for a moment, we look for it in places were we can forget reality and we try look for it in other people and we ended either using them or we being used. We try to look for happiness and we ended up not being happy. We ended up looking for it in the wrong things, wrong places and wrong reasons. We can only find happiness in Jesus. And if we find Jesus, we find our purpose in life. In finding purpose in our lives happiness follows.

Lord, teach us to find You first so we can truly be happy. Amen. 

by aats

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Real Love

Real love is not the valentines day love but the good friday love. - by aats

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mama Mary, your yes means salvation to us. Happy Birthday to you.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Never be afraid to dream big because our God is bigger still! -by aats