Friday, May 15, 2020

Covid Thoughts

Some thoughts in this covid pandemic time: 

  1. When we choose Christ first, everything else will just fall into place. Whether faster or slower, it will fall into place.
  2. Moments of God are moments of grace. It doesn’t matter if the moments happen in the church or at home or in the streets. When we are conscious of His presence, God is there and it is grace.
  3. Life is simple. Don’t complicate things. The more we simplify the happier we are. Uncomplicated people are happy people.
  4. Live life. Laugh hard. Love sincerely. Choose joy, happiness is looking at what is good, whether it’s in a situation or people.
  5. Allow surprises. Don’t be too rigid, don’t worry too much and don’t over plan; you will miss the exhilaration of life.
  6. Things may look ugly but there is still beauty that you can find. Look for it, find it.
  7. “Social distancing” may seem hard but alone time pushes us to look at ourselves and do some self-assessments. Hopefully it will lead us more to Christ and make us a better person.

by aats