Monday, February 18, 2013

Of Chaos and Solitude

We can always something good in whatever situation we are in as long as we open our eyes with faith. With craziness of traffic in Manila, I actually ended up telling a fellow missionary how much I missed it. I missed not just the traffic but the noise and cacophony of so many people in one area. Adapting to this kind of environment is not just a way of surviving but actually acknowledging the good in the seemingly chaotic situation believing that God is still very much present.

On the other hand, it does really stretches my patience and I thank God for this, because it’s a good grounding for me.

In the midst of traffic and noise, I realize also how much I value solitude. I love being with people however I find my reservoir of strength in solitude. It is in the silence of solitude that I come face to face with myself. A self that is always in need of redemption and forgiveness. Redemption and forgiveness comes from a compassionate heart. Compassion is what we all in need and we can only be compassionate when we realize how we need it ourselves.

by aats

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