Monday, May 14, 2012

The First to Recognize

 John 21:1-14

“Cast down the net”, a stranger told the disciples around dawn, upon learning that they’d been fishing all night long without a catch. When they did, they were not able to pull it in because of the number of fish. The disciple whom Jesus loved, John, recognized, “It is the Lord.” 

Personal closeness to someone makes us know the person in a deeper way that even in the cover of darkness, a voice and a gesture is enough to recognize the person. John the beloved closeness to Jesus allowed him to recognize him even in his tired eyes. Upon encountering a miracle: catching large number of fish after a catchless night, he recognized it could only be the Lord who can do such thing.

Personal relationship with Jesus is important in order for us to recognize Him in every situation we are in. Isn’t it affirming that He chose to show himself at dawn, when the disciples were at there lowest moment? No catch all night long, they were wearied, tired and frustrated. He is there in our difficulties and trials. He is a God with us. The challenge is for us to recognize Him in those situations and the only way for us to be familiar with His ways to know Him deeper.

Lord, grant us the grace to strive to know you deeper in a more personal way so we can recognize you in whatever situation we may be. Amen.

by aats

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