Wednesday, April 18, 2012

You Cannot Jail Love

Today’s first reading from the Acts of the Apostles tells us about how the disciples were arrested and locked up in a prison cell. An angel rescued them and told them to go to the temple and share the new life. When the high priest checked the prison cell, they found the door locked and the guard standing on duty, yet the apostles were nowhere to be found.  A man came over and told them they are at the temple preaching to the people. Acts 5:17-26

Jesus whom the apostles are proclaiming can never be contained. Others may try to stop them from sharing but the truth whose time has come can never be stopped.  The truth is, God who is love is more powerful than any power in the world. There is no prison cell that can lock up love. God who is love triumphs! You cannot jail love; it will always find a way out because love can never be but free.

May we be envelop by your love O Lord, so we will be free. Amen.

by aats

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