Monday, April 2, 2012

Passion Sunday

Today we celebrate Palm Sunday, commemorating the triumphant entry of our Lord in Jerusalem. It is also called Passion Sunday because the gospel reading is the narration of the passion of Christ. It marks the start of the holiest week in Christendom. Passion according to Merriam-Webster website is an intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction. Furthermore its origin as a word says, comes from 1125–75, Middle English  (Old French), Medieval Latin, which means Christ's sufferings on the cross.

It was Jesus passionate love for each person, deep and abiding desire to save humanity and intense conviction that His own example is the only way for mankind to be saved from themselves, that leads Him to the cross.  The effects reverberates even today thousands of years after His death.

Passion drives us to do something beyond what society may define as foolishness. May our intensity in proclaiming His message of love, be matched and even be surpassed by the intensity of putting it into practice in our lives.

Grant us O Lord the grace to be passionate in making real and concrete Your gospel in our lives. Amen.

by aats

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