Sunday, April 8, 2012

Glory to God in the Highest

“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of goodwill.” So was the proclamation of joy of all Christians celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ!

There is something unique about Easter Sunday. It’s because of all Christian celebration; it is the only one that no human being had come back to life and share the experience of resurrection. We can relate about Christmas, because everyone has birthdays. We can relate on the washing of the feet, or of suffering and death but not about human experience of resurrection. It is indeed a celebration of faith and hope, faith that there is life after death and hope that everything will be well in the end. Our life here is not an accident and we are part and parcel of the greater plan of God.

It maybe so hard to relate to resurrection but it’s the central mystery of our faith that makes Christianity. Without resurrection life is hopeless and existence meaningless. I believe in it as much as I believe in the God who made me for eternity.

He is risen indeed, glory to God in the highest!

by aats

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