Monday, April 16, 2012

Lonely Exile

Mission is home and at home you are not alone. But from time to time, mission, being away from your home cannot help but make you lonely.

I look at it as an affirmation that we are made for something and someone beyond our present situation. Our human incapacity to fully comprehend everything makes us lonely. We try to give meaning to every experience and encounter we had, but there are just things that are far deeper than our mind can comprehend. But just because it is mysterious does not mean it cannot be fathomed. God in all His goodness has given us glimpses of the future that we need to experience rather than try to rationalize.

As Saint Augustine had written, “My heart is restless until it rests in You.” We will be rightly lonely from time to time to remind us that we belong to something and someone beyond this earthly existence. 

by aats

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