Monday, January 16, 2012

Only for Convenience

I had been following the historic first impeachment of a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines. Listening to all the opening statements both from the prosecution team and the defense team, I am amazed how passionately they can invoke God, and yet most of this people, specially in the executive and legislative cannot even utter God in speaking against pro life issues, instead support anti life bill. This is also true even to ordinary Christians like us, we can go to church every Sunday, we can worship passionately, we can share with conviction our faith and we can write and talk about Jesus, yet we fail miserably in living it out! We use God and speak about God only for our convenience. This is always the challenge of Christianity, not separating faith from daily living. A Christian is a Christian 24/7. 

by aats

1 comment:

  1. There is no dichotomized Christian. We must present our being a Christian whole to the world.
