Friday, January 17, 2014

Who Is The Ruler?

The 1st reading today from 1 Samuel 8:4-7,10-22 tells the story of how the Israelites were asking Samuel to give them a King to rule over them. They want to be like any other nations who have a central figure especially in times of war. Samuel pointed to them what the King can do for them and they insisted still to have one. Samuel was hesitant because for them there was no other King but God, but God himself said to grant what they asked for.

Who is the ruler of our life? Is it ourselves? Is it our wants and desires? Is it our feelings and emotions? If Christ, who is the source of all that is good, is the ruler of our life then no wants and desires can surpass what we can receive and no feelings and emotions can surpass what joy and fulfillment we can experience. 

Lord Jesus, be the ruler of our life. Amen. 

by aats

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