Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fulfilling the Mission

Todays gospel from Luke in 10:1-9, narrates the send off message of Jesus to the 72 disciples, telling them what to do and how to respond as they go on mission. He said, “I am sending you like lambs among the wolves.” He was aware of the possibility of harm that proclaiming the message will do. What is interesting though is that, he continued by saying, “Carry no purse, no haversack, no sandals. Salute no one on the road. Whatever house you go into, let your first words be, ‘Peace to this house!’” He was aware of the danger and yet it seems like the instruction is even making the disciples more helpless if dangers come. There are wolves out there and yet don’t bring anything with you. What does Jesus trying to say?

Jesus is trying to tell us that when you go on mission, He wants to be accountable. When He is accountable, He means it. He will be responsible for your welfare even to the smallest details as purse, haversack and sandals. Even though wolves will be lurking around, He who sends you protects you. Going on mission requires trust and confidence in God more than your own. When we have nothing, He becomes everything to us. Having nothing, we have no more distractions along the road. God wants focus when we go on mission because mission cannot afford distractions. There are people out there waiting for the message and in need of healing presence. That is why He further instruct, “Whenever you go into a town where they make you welcome, eat what is set before you. Cure those in it who are sick, and say, ‘The kingdom of God is very near to you.’” So when we go on mission we are actually becoming:

1.  An example of gratitude. We eat what is set before us because we are grateful to the generosity of God manifested through others. A grateful heart open wide the door to more blessings.
2. A healing presence. We pray over them, give them practical tips on healthy living and if equip with some medical knowledge perform medical procedures that may be of help to them. Above all, we intercede for them, because there is more who are actually spiritually ill more than physically ill and God who is the ultimate Doctor will provide a cure.
3.  An affirmation of the presence of God. We say, “The Kingdom of God is very near you.” We affirm them that God is not far but in fact with them in carrying the burdens of life. We can connect and start a personal relationship with Him.

Without distractions mission achieves its purpose of us becoming an example of gratitude, a healing presence and an affirmation of the presence of God.

Lord, grant us the grace of focus so we can fulfill the mission You entrusted to us. Amen.

by aats

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