Sunday, March 18, 2018

Hoping Against Hope

How many times have we prayed hard for something to happen even if we know that in our human mind it is near to impossible? We cried, kneeled, beg before God and yet nothing happens.  But we continued, because we have this faith that somehow someday something will happen.

Such was the faith of Abraham who long for a child for many years. The 2nd reading today taken from Romans 4:13, 16-18, 22 talks about how this promise of God was fulfilled after many years of waiting. His prayer was not answered moments after praying, nor was it answered after an hour or a day or weeks but years! The reading says, “He believe, hoping against hope.”

Abrahams story continued in the life of Saint Joseph, the husband of Mary.  He hoped for a wife and a family. He finally found one but then along the way, he found out the Mary was pregnant and it was not his. What a devastating blow to his hopes and dreams. Like Abraham, he believes, hoping against hope and all these is gone. However, while he has these feelings, Joseph also has this deep and abiding faith in God. And we know how the story ends when he took Mary home. What a wonderful faith!

He decided to take Mary home because His heart knows, whether Mary is pregnant or not, he loves her anyway, it doesn’t matter! But most importantly because of faith he truly believes that what he heard and saw in the dream was true and is from God.

He built a family on the foundation of faith, hope and love.

Lord, whatever our hopes and dreams are, we believe that you have great plans for us and so we hope against hope knowing that you are a promise keeper. Amen.

On the Feast Day of Saint Joseph.
March 19, 2018

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