Thursday, February 23, 2012

Central to Filipinos

The worst thing for a Filipino is to be away from his family. For Filipino, family is family and as long as circumstances allows we’d rather be together than be separated. Reunions are common as soon as the diaspora started, family members longing to be with each other’s arms again. Never in the thought of a Filipino that he will be away, for to him life has no meaning without his family. But within that strong family tie is a stronger tie with a God whom they put so much faith. It is the bond that joins family together. For them family should be centered on God. Ands so even with pains and cries, longings and agonies they can go abroad with the deeper belief that God has greater plans ahead. This includes of course greater plans for there family left behind.

Behind this seemingly family centric society is a God centric character of every members of a family. Filipinos probably are the most adaptable people on earth. You can find them anywhere thriving joyfully and when you ask them why are they happy, they will always say, God has a purpose why they are put there so despite of being away they are thankful still of the blessings. You never have to go further if you want to find a Filipino, go to any church, mostly catholic churches, you can always find someone serving in the church. They want to serve to a God whom they put so much faith. There life for them belongs to God.

This God centric character allows Filipinos to survive anywhere. This gives way to a missionary spirit that seems to be intrinsic in everyone. You don’t have to be even a strong believer to be a missionary, for it seems like faith is imbedded in every fiber of their body and spirit.  Even in impending separation, family can let go for a deeper purpose of a member’s life. In tears they can send their sons and daughters for missions and offer them to the service of God.

To sum up their core belief, Filipinos can say, “Family yes, but God first”. So this family centered society with a God centric character allows Filipinos to rise above personal inclinations towards being self-giving and loving. Filipinos no doubt will not just survive but thrive because of their faith.

by aats

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