Wednesday, January 30, 2019

How Far Can You Love?

The Gospel of John 6:1-14 tells of the story of the multiplication of bread. They had a situation on how to feed the thousands of people following Jesus.

In this particular reading, it tells us of a boy who brought 5 loaves and 2 fishes. The disciples brought it to Jesus with doubts, “…but how far will this go to feed?” They cannot understand how these can feed thousands of people.

But Jesus was not after how many, the boy can offer; He looks at the heart. He can make miracles, He is God! So it was not a question if He can feed them because He can. What He was after was the posture of the heart. God loves a cheerful giver. That is why we don’t put limit to what we give, example in our church, we don’t say 10%... Why? Because we don’t put limit to generosity. God does not rejoice in forced giving, because love necessitates freedom. Love is beautiful when freely reciprocated and given. It is not love when it is coerced. “Love me with 10%” no… God is telling us, as far and high as your heart can love, then give as much as you can, freely and joyfully.

This is not even just about money, but ourselves as a whole, our time, our talents. How far can we give to a God who gives so much? How far can we love and care? This is what our society needs, love in spite of chaos and cruelty. Love in spite of pain and hurts. Then like Jesus, this love that we give is rewarded with Easter, because our faith does not end in Good Friday, it triumphs in Easter Sunday. Love is victorious in the end!

So never give up on love. And when we love, we put it into action by being generous to others. Give yourself to others in service!

by aats

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