Saturday, September 8, 2012

Effective Transmittal of the Message

Luke 5:33-39

The Pharisees and Scribes were asking why the disciples of John are fasting and praying the same as what they do, while Jesus disciples go on eating and drinking. Most of the time probably that they saw Jesus with His disciples, they saw them talking with other people while eating and drinking. They judge Him and his disciples as not following traditions. Well, Jesus was not at all disobedient to the law, He was in fact looking for ways were the message of God can be heard and understood in the ordinary experience of people. Jesus is well ahead of His time, because there is no better way for His message to be heard better than for it to be shared in an informal way in between eating and drinking.

Even now, there is no better way to share something than to have it shared while you eat or drink. It makes the atmosphere lighter and allows the message to be taken positively or at very least be given a chance to be heard.

There are so many ways of passing on the message of God. We have to be sensitive to the Spirit and the signs of the times, so we can share Gods love in way that is understandable or relatable to our audience. When they can understand and relate it in there ordinary lives then the message becomes effective.

*Not drinking liquors or any form of drunkenness but in the context of sharing in the meal, as in community terminology “one solid, one liquid”.

by aats

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