Friday, October 21, 2011

The Other Face of Love

The other face of love is not the face we want to see. The world had successfully made us believe that love resides only in the realms of feelings, so much so that we equate it with just good feelings, great vibes. We think its love only if we are happy, we are not stressed and we are on cloud 9! But that is not so. The reality is, whether you are a believer or not, love has two faces. Yes, it has the face of happiness and joy and exhilaration, but it also has the face of sadness, pains and sacrifice. Love is all and not just a part of it. Love is perfected when we go beyond the sunny side and actually living it out even in the gloomy side.

This is so, because when we love, we desire nothing but the best of the other. St. Paul’s so articulately said it in 1 Corinthians 13, Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things…. Love never gives up.

The risk of loving is that we will be hurt. When we court and the other says yes, we took the risk. We are hurt because the face of love that is showing us is not the way we intended it to be or the way we pictured it. It’s a beautiful risk, because love is beautiful, that’s why we said yes in the first place.

When we love, lets be ready to face the other side it shows.

Lord grants us the grace to see and respond in goodness when love shows its other face. Amen.

by aats

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