Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Secret to Happiness

People by default always think that missionaries are happy people, and yes they are true, missionaries are indeed happy people. However, happiness for missionaries does not mean without desolation, pain or hurt. It is in fact filled with it. I remember countless times people telling me, “There is so much joy in you.” But actually they don’t know the desolation deep inside of me. My realization in mission is that if we are to be joyful, all we need is to be contented and be happy with the joys of others, so that even if we are not feeling good inside we can still be happy because our consolation is that at least others are happy.

Missionaries can still find enough reason to be happy. The secret (open secret), I think, is that missionaries can still be happy because they focus on others joy and for them that is enough reason to be happy.

Grant us the grace, O Lord, to feel the joy of others so when confronted with our own desolation, we can still find consolation in their joy. Amen.

by aats

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