Monday, June 25, 2012

Actually Not Giving

In giving ourselves to the mission, we are not actually giving because when we say we give, it means we own it, but in fact when we say we give to the Lord we are in actuality just returning back what belongs to Him. We belong to the one who made us. We are not the owner of our life, God is. Until this truth sinks in, we will continue running exhausted instead of enjoying this life.

This truth is being played in some stories in the bible regarding the owner of the vineyard and the tenants. The tenants plow the field and watch it out until harvest time, while the owner maintains the tasks that are expected of owning the land, like paying the taxes and other obligations related to being the owner. The tenants concerns are to make the land produce its fruits as much as it can, they concern not about any other things.  The good thing about not being the owner is we don’t have to worry about losing it. The pressure is not on us, though the implication of being a tenant is that we have to do our best in order for the land to produce the best fruits.

Like tenants, lets worry not about losing something and giving up because we owned it not anyway. Better yet work hard in the vineyard of the Lord and return everything back to Him so He will give it back with bonus and without tax.

Have the mindset of returning instead of giving and the Lord will multiply the blessings for you.

by aats

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