Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Animal Rights and the Rights of the Unborn

It so hard to understand how we can be so passionate about animal rights but not the rights of the unborn human being. Life is precious, especially that of a human being.

Some people just want sex and the joys it offers, but not responsibility the moment a baby is conceived. They say it’s a basic right of woman for her own body. Yes, for her own body but not someone else’s body. An unborn baby is a human being distinct from the woman carrying. A human being who is innocent and defenseless! Abortion is murder far worst than any of its kind, because it is killing not just an innocent human being but also a defenseless one.

So if we can cry out for all the rights of the animals in the world, more so should we for the rights of the innocent and defenseless human being inside the womb.

by aats

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