Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Jesus Saw Through Their Hypocrisy

A discerning heart knows when a question is not to be taken at face value. The Pharisees tried to catch Jesus with his words. They ask a question, but Jesus saw through their hypocrisy (Mark 12:15). They thought they catch him with their question but Jesus answered them with wisdom. Then on some other occasion like when he was asked by Pilate, he refrained from answering (Matthew 27:14). Each situation requires a certain response. 

Jesus knew the malice behind the question. Those who were opposed to Jesus couldn’t just accept Him, they’re terrified that the status quo will change. They cling on to the letters of the law, becoming rigid because they don’t like change. But when the same pharisees complained that his disciples were doing what was forbidden on Sabbath, Jesus answered them “There is something greater than the temple here… the Lord of the Sabbath… I desire mercy not sacrifice.” Matthew 12:5-8 (paraphrased). They were not after the law; they have hidden motives. There questions and complaints hide behind logical words but Jesus saw beyond that. The real motive of the heart speaks no matter how it is hidden in beautiful words. 

In our modern days, it pays to discern the motives of the heart. Some people do not deserve an answer. Why? Because their question is filled with malice. Malicious people do not deserve an answer, it is pointless and useless. 

If we do choose to answer, answer them in a way that will unveil their hypocrisy. 

May we find it within our hearts the desire to do good for others. Amen.

by aats

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