Monday, May 4, 2015

Love Makes You Go The Extra Mile

Love is beautiful because it can make you go the extra mile. I have observe this countless times, a brother used to doing his own thing, easily does something else upon the bidding of the lover.

Love makes you wake up very early in the morning just to say “good morning” to someone. It makes you extend your day by talking on the phone late at night after spending the whole day with the same woman on the other line.

Love makes you love what you do not love. A brother can go watch classical concert because the woman he loves likes it, even if he does not. He now loves the food he hated before or at the very least appreciates it.  He cares what she cares and the change go on and on. Transformation is in the air. Oh, the impossible becomes possible in love!

And if he is a nominal Catholic, he now prays every night! Oh yes, he goes to mass and prays the rosary. The miracle of love!

It is also true with the woman. Love changes her upon realizing that someone adores her! She loves the idea that someone cares for her and she comes out bursting with life. She, who is used to doing her own thing, goes the extra mile as well. She cares and gives. And when loved with honor and respect, she grows into a beauty adorned in truth and grace. 

Love makes you see things differently. It makes you see what is true, good and beautiful. And, if this can heal wounds then for sure let it be the prescribe medicine!

by aats 

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