Sunday, December 7, 2014

Open Wide The Door

As Christians our role is to open doors not closing it. There is a temptation in community life to be pharisaical. We tend to judge people with the rigidity of written or unwritten rules. I wonder if my YFC leader before thought about kicking me out because of my struggle with drunkenness even after graduating from the camp. If that had been so, I would not have ended up becoming a missionary. My leader did not close the door to me, he open wide the door of Christ to me instead.

We should strive to be good, for sure, however we can never impose upon others our own journey, because they will have there own walk with the Lord. All we can do is show them the path of joy and walk with them. We can never close the door for those who are seeking yet struggling still. The fact that they are coming is reason enough to hope for. They are sensing the sweet aroma of Christ, how can we deprive them of that?

We can be used to change others but ultimately it is Gods. It is in His goodness that He will remove the heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 36:26)

Let us open wide the door.

by aats

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