Monday, May 6, 2013


I was on my way to another place outside of the city. It was a beautiful drive with trees lining up with its leaves already showing up. O the beauty of spring! It was so beautiful to behold. Now I now understand why people living in these kind of place loves spring. How can you not be, after being deprived of it in winter months? Deprivation can be good, it allows us to appreciate the things we take for granted. 

by aats

1 comment:

  1. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Kind of like the time I experienced dryness in prayer. I didn't understand what I was going through but I remember yearning for God like never before. I felt desperate to feel Him, to see Him and hear Him in my heart. I went on like this for maybe a week. It was the loneliest I've felt. Then one day, my heart was filled with joy and I felt His presence again, like a cloud has been lifted, like I was emerging from a long winter (or a cold heart)and spring is a welcomed change. Yes, sort of like that. :)
